Urology and Uro-Oncology
The Department of Urology & Uro-Oncology offers comprehensive facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of genitourinary problems in adults and children. A highly qualified and experienced team of dedicated urologist and resident surgeons are available 24 hours a day. The latest state-of-the-art technology and equipment are available.
- Comprehensive Uro-oncology services
- Upper and Lower Tract Endourology
- Laboratory Services for Microbiology and Biochemistry
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Vascular Access Surgery
- Urolithiasis - Medical and Surgical Management
Services Offered
Endoscopic treatment of stones and diseases of the kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate and urethra is performed through natural openings in the body avoiding the pain associated with open operations.
Laparoscopic Urology
Key - hole surgery to remove and reconstruct urinary organs avoiding pain and long bed rest associated with open surgery. Nephrectomy, radical and partial nephrectomy, stone extraction, correction of hydronephrosis due to PUJ obstruction and re-implantation of the ureters are performed.
Urological Oncology
The cancers of kidney, bladder, prostate, ureters, adrenals, testis and penis are taken care by this section. Follow up and further management are done as per the current protocols.
Kidney Cancer
Surgeries like laparoscopic and open radical nephrectomies are the mainstay of treatment in kidney cancer. Complicated surgeries that require IVC exploration in locally extensive kidney cancers, open and laparoscopic partial nephrectomies (nephron sparing surgeries), and immunotherapy for advanced renal cancers are regularly done.
Prostate Cancers
Diagnosis of prostate cancer by TRUSS-guided multicore biopsy, and staging by 1.5 Tesla MRI, MD CT have greatly improved the detection of early disease and improved the outcome. Laparoscopic prostatectomy is routinely performed here.
Bladder Cancer
The gold standard for the treatment of advanced bladder cancer is radical cystectomy with orthotopic neobladder reconstruction. After removal of the diseased bladder, the bladder is reconstructed with a loop of intestine in the same sitting so that the patient is able to pass urine naturally. The quality of life is greatly improved as the patient is free from using a pouch to collect urine and the resultant social embarrassments. In a certain subset of patients, bladder preservation is done with the help of chemo radiation after endoscopic resection of the tumor.
Testicular Cancer
Survival after testicular cancer has recently improved after the use of multimodality approach. This requires individualized treatment decision and care involving chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and protocol based follow up. Reconstructions using prosthesis are also available to add to the quality of life.
Adrenal Tumours
Key hole surgery has replaced open adrenelectomy as there is better visualisation and enhances early recovery.
Penile Cancer
Partial or total penectomy and radical lymph node dissection is the standard treatment in carcinoma of penis. Recent advances in the treatments have reduced the treatment morbidity considerably. With the help of plastic surgery team, penis can be reconstructed with forearm flap which makes the life of these unfortunate people comfortable. They can have a normal sexual life with the help of penile implants.
Laparoscopic surgeries in Uro-oncology
The laparoscopic surgery has changed the surgical concept in Uro-oncology. Most of the open surgeries like radical nephrectomy, nephro ureterectomy, radical prostectomy and radical cystectomy are now done more and more with minimum morbidity and early return to work.
Female Urology and Neuro-urology
Treatment of women with incontinence of urine and management of urinary problems in patients with neurological disease or injury is practiced as a sub-specialty. Expertise for sling operations, TVT (TransVaginal Tape), TOT (TransObturator Tape), SPARC (SupraPubic Arc sling) and augmentation and continent urinary diversion procedures are available.
Evaluation methods for erectile dysfunction including pharmacocavernosometry, pharmacocavernosography and procedures like penile implantation surgery are offered.
General Urology
Stones in the kidney, ureter, bladder, common diseases of the urethra (stricture), prostate (cancer, enlargement) and bladder are routinely treated. All the advanced treatment options for stones in the kidney and other parts of the urinary tract are available.
Ancillary Services
Advanced urological imaging, pathology, microbiology, anaesthesia, cardiology, nephrology, oncology and paediatric services contribute to complete team approach to our patients.
Outpatient Procedures
The outpatient department has facilities to take care of all office urology procedures. It is supported by trained staff including dedicated staff nurses, blood draw facilities, full-fledged procedure rooms, dedicated X-ray machines, ultrasound equipment, etc.
Uro Radiology
Flexible Cystoscopy & NBI
Olympus make flexible cystoscope coupled with blue light cystoscopy is used in the evaluation of hematuria to rule out bladder malignancies and in the follow up of bladder cancer to diagnose early recurrence. They help to avoid anesthesia during routine cystoscopy as the procedure is painless.
Procedures Performed
Laparoscopic Urology
- Laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy and radical nephrectomy, laparoscopic nephron sparing surgeries
- Laparoscopic pyeloplasty
- Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
Endo Urology
- Percutaneous nephrolithotomy PCNL
- Ureteroscopy
- Flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy
- Transurethral Resection of the Prostate TURP
- Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour TURBT
- Endopyelotomy and retrograde endopyelotomy
Onco Urology
Prostate Cancer
- Open and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
- Hormonal treatment
- Chemotherapy
Kidney Tumors
- Radical nephrectomy: open and laparoscopic
- Nephron sparing surgeries: open and laparoscopic
- Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
- Immunotherapy
Testicular Tumors
- Inguinal orchiectomy
- Chemotherapy
Bladder Cancer
- Blue light Cystoscopy
- Radical cystectomy and conduit
Penile Cancer
- Penectomy and penile reconstruction
Reconstructive Urology
- Vescico ureteric reflux : STING therapy, laparoscopic and open ureteric reimplanation.
- Urethral stricture : Perineal urethroplasty, Buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty, Transpubic urethroplasty.
- Pelvi uretric obstruction : Laparoscopic and open pyeloplasty Endopyelotomy.
- Female urology : TVT (TransVaginal Tape), TOT (TransObturator Tape), SPARC (SupraPubic Arc sling) surgery, Reconstructive surgery for Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) and Urovaginal fistula (UVF).
- Pharmaco cavernosography and cavernosometry
- Penile prosthesis implantation
- Penile vascular reconstruction
- Surgeries for Peyronie's Disease
Paediatric Urology
- Paediatric pyeloplasty: Lap/open
- Paediatric adrenalectomy: Lap/open
- PUV fulgration
- Ureteric reimplanation: ( Lap/open) and STING surgery
Specialty Clinics
Regular Out Patient Clinics
Monday to Saturday (10:00 AM - 04:00 PM)
All patients undergo comprehensive evaluation and every effort is made to complete the evaluation process to have a diagnosis and to plan the treatment.